Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Spock Running and Playing With Potato

Spock proves here that you don't need much in the way of legs to run like the wind!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Corgi Names

Corgi names are unusual and varied. A post on one Corgi blog suggested that the top four Corgi names were "Ein", "Kirby", "Scout", and "Gizmo".

 Another site had the top ten Corgi names as "Taffy", "Lady", "Shorty" (hmm, wonder why), "Daffy", "Pumpkin", "Harley", "Roxy", "Harry", "Nipper", and "Twiggy".

Our neighbors have a Corgi named "Chopper".  As in a helicopter- "helicopter ears".

The Queen of England's dogs are named "Holly" and "Willow" (Corgis) and "Candy" and "Vulcan" ("Dorgis").

My personal favorite Corgi name that I've heard is "Stumphrey", a portmanteau of "Humprey" and "Stumpy". I even used the name in one of my (yet unpublished) novels A Corgi Tale. I also really like Welsh names for Corgis, and I would haven't given Mr. Spock a Welsh name if my brother had agreed. All the rest of the Corgi names in A Corgi Tale are Welsh.

Most Corgi owners have nicknames for their dogs. Spock's nicknames are, "Stumps", "Stumpy", "Stumpers", "Shorty", "Ratty", "Spocky", "Spocky wocky", "Grunty", "Groaner","Nubs", "Nubbies", "Little legs".., the names go on and on.

Yes, Corgi owners tend to be creative with their dogs' names... What is your favorite Corgi name?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pembroke vs Cardigan

All Corgi lovers will face the question "Which is better? The Pembroke or the Cardigan Corgi?" The two dogs are similar, but they are also different.

Pembrokes are, for the most part, the smaller breed. Cardigans also look like they have proportionally ears, but that may just be my opinion.  They can be red, sable, blue, fawn, black and tan, or black and white. Cardigans can be brindle, black, or merle, and occasionally red.

Cardigans are known for being less friendly with strange people and more "guard dogish" than Pembrokes, but that is only a generalization. Pembrokes also may be more energetic than Cardigans.

 According to intelligence tests, Pembrokes are (quite slightly) more intelligent than Pembrokes, but both dogs are toward the top of the scale.

Another large difference between the two dogs is that in America Pembrokes that are born with tails almost always have them bobbed. Cardigans always have natural tails.

Both dogs are good pets that are good at herding and have similar body shapes.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Corgis with Pumpkins

A fun "The Daily Corgi" post of 21 Corgis (including cute puppies) with- you guessed it- pumpkins! Including several pumpkins with Corgi carvings!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bad Corgi Puppies

Corgi puppies are always adorable, but they are especially cute while they are chewing things.

Friday, October 4, 2013


I haven't posted for a while- blogger was not working, and would not even save my post.

Here's a fun picture :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Overweight Corgis

I have never heard of a Corgi that didn't love to eat. Spock is no exception, and he has ways of making it known that he would REALLY appreciate meat/cheese/dog treat/peanut butter/toast/ ANYTHING.

But Corgi owners need to be very careful about their Corgi's weight. Spock weighs around 22 pounds, which seems like a good size for a very small Corgi, but is definitely on the small size for a Corgi. The average Pembroke should weigh 25-30 pounds, and the average Cardigan 30-38.

These are just generalizations. Some Corgis, like Spock, will weight less without being underweight. Some Corgis will weight more without being obese. It depends on the overall size of the dog. Ideally, you should be able to tell where the ribs are and feel them easily, but you should not be able to count them.

This article from "The Daily Corgi" tells of a couple Corgis that were extreamly obese.